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Sagency WA

legal queries

Will this impact my family law matter if I do the course?

If there are concerns raised in respect of family violence (whether those concerns be raised by the other party, a family consultant, the Department of Communities or a judicial officer), it may be appropriate to proactively address those concerns.


Completing a Men’s Behaviour Change program can be seen as a proactive step and can impact your family law matter in a positive way. The Court looks positively on parents who are seeking ways to improve themselves, ultimately for the benefit of their greater family unit.


Will doing this course be an admission of alleged abuse?

Completing a Men’s Behaviour Change program can be done on a ‘without admission as to needs’ basis; meaning you do not concede that the allegations made or concerns raised are true. The Court may often order parents to undertake a Men’s Behaviour Change program to try and empower them with the tools and behaviours to remedy previous behaviours of concern.


Can I only do a Men’s Behaviour Change course with a Court order?

No. Sometimes the Court will order parents and carers to do this course, but often, parents or carers can attend this program voluntarily.


Do I need to be separated to complete a Men’s Behaviour Change course?

No. Men’s behaviour change programs aim to be the starting point for respectful co-parenting and parenting relationships.


I want to participate in the program but I am currently incarcerated. Can you still help?

At SagencyWA we see the importance of walking alongside a client and as such are available to provide outreach counselling during and after periods of incarceration to address your treatment needs.